I have been working on a side project in Rust recently and thought I would write up some of the interesting things I've encountered while building som…
I just pushed a new release of haggle to Hackage today. The haggle library implements a number of different representations of graph data structures w…
The build-bom tool makes it easy to obtain LLVM IR for C/C++ programs without requiring any modifications to build systems by using the low-leve…
The excellent avy package for emacs provides an efficient mechanism for positioning the cursor in the current window. The avy workflow is:
Active av…
This is part two of the presumably unending type errors series. The previous entry involved an amusing type error. This time the error is a bit less…
I find that I run into a large number of what I would consider Funny Type Errors while using GHC. This is the first post in what will presumably be a…
Instead of writing about something productive, I am going to again write about writing. Or at least the infrastructure for writing. First, I decided…
Recently, I had the urge to optimize the startup time of my emacs
configuration. I managed to reduce my startup time from three seconds
to under half…
Over the last few weeks, I've found myself having to copy and paste
large chunks of text into emacs running in a terminal. This leads to
some annoyan…
I recently found myself looking at Linux instant messaging clients
again. Sometimes I feel like some kind of Luddite for still using a
desktop instan…