Don't tell anyone, but I decided to try to use vim as my primary editor for a week. I have actually used both vim and emacs for years, but I usually only used vim for viewing files and emacs for editing them. This week is vim full time. I like emacs, but it has been doing something annoying that I haven't quite been able to track down. There is some keystroke that is very much like "save file" that I keep hitting that seems to just lock up my emacs window. To recover, I inevitably have to kill my entire emacs session (since I use the emacs server). Very minor, but annoying.

I already have vim set up to do everything I want, really. Its tag support seems to be a bit better, and I typically use tags a lot. The startup time of vim is much shorter, which is nice. The one emacs extension that I use the most is magit (a git repository manager in emacs), and I worried that I wouldn't be able to find a vim equivalent. How naive. vim-fugitive fills the same role in vim. It is not quite as polished, especially the interface for adding only part of a change (equivalent of git add -p). However, it gets the job done admirably. Of course, I was missing the function I wrote for emacs to turn a buffer of C code into LLVM assembly. Here is a vim version:

" This is a convenience function to turn a C function into LLVM bitcode,
" displaying the result in a split window.
command! LLVMIZE call LLVMToNewWindow()

function! LLVMToNewWindow()
  let TempFile = tempname()
  let SaveModified = &modified
  exe 'w ' . TempFile
  let &modified = SaveModified
  exe 'split ' . TempFile
  if executable('opt')
    let opt = 'opt'
  elseif executable('opt-3.2')
    let opt = 'opt-3.2'
  elseif executable('opt-3.1')
    let opt = 'opt-3.1'
  elseif executable('opt-3.0')
    let opt = 'opt-3.0'

  exe 'silent %! clang -x c -emit-llvm -c -o - - | ' . opt . ' -S -mem2reg -basicaa -gvn'

  setlocal nomodifiable
  setlocal buftype=nofile nowrap
  setlocal syntax=llvm

I would say this is a very unpleasant language to work in, but it is about as usable as elisp at the end of the day.