I recently ran into a strange problem with running emacs. A few days ago, my delete, page up, and page down keys stopped working, but only when emacs…
I periodically try to use TAGS to navigate round my code in emacs.
When it works, it is very convenient. I have not been using them
lately, partly be…
Relative to many other languages, the humble array is underrepresented
in Haskell. That may follow from the difficulty of fitting arrays
into pure co…
For quite some time, I have been meaning to set up travis-ci for some of my github projects. To get the ball rolling, I chose my projects with the si…
whole-program-llvm is a set of scripts that I started to compile programs and libraries into single LLVM bitcode files. The scripts stand in for a co…
I recently found myself needing to excise all of the type 3 fonts from
a TeX document. I believe that type 3 fonts are actually just
embedded postscr…
Today I ended up reading one of many articles decrying the current state of OpenGL. I don't remember which one. I will be interested to see where Op…
I just released version of my datalog library to
Datalog is a declarative query language similar in spirit to Prolog,
though less exp…
Recently, I cut a long overdue release of Taffybar, my desktop bar for xmonad (or any window manager, really). The changes are in the changelog. A f…
I have been running Debian unstable on my machines for years reasonably happy. Living on the bleeding edge is slightly exciting. Having maximally up…