Tag: programming
For quite some time, I have been meaning to set up travis-ci for some of my github projects. To get the ball rolling, I chose my projects with the simplest build systems and dependencies. As promised, it was very much a painless experience. I added my trivial .travis.yml files specifying Haskell as my language and asking for a few versions of ghc; everything else was automatic. I had to make a few tweaks here and there to update some old test suites that I had not run in a while. That alone…
My advisor recently pointed me to
an article in the ACM
Queue about a familiar topic: interoperability between programming
languages. My research for my thesis was very much in this area, and
I am happy to see others thinking about the topic. I have not been
able to find a whole lot of related work. Broadly speaking, I agree
with the sentiment of the article and differ on a few minor points.
For example, I don't think that mutability is a significant barrier to
language interoperability. Cer…
In my last post I neglected to provide installation instructions.
For most systems, it should be fairly straightforward:
Ensure that dot, llvm-config, ghc, and cabal are in your
PATH. The first is provided by the
Haskell Platform. The 2012
releases should work. Additionally, ensure that ~/.cabal/bin is
in your PATH, since the binaries will be installed there (and it
may need to be in your path during the build process, too).
Run the following script:
I realized that I forgot to mention another repository related to my
last post: llvm-tools. As
the name suggests, this repository contains some useful tools based on
my llvm-analysis library.
The most interesting tool for people who aren't me is
which makes it easy to visualize several interesting program graphs
(anything supported by llvm-analysis). The help output gives a reasonable
ViewIRGraph - View different graphs for LLVM IR modules in a variety of formats
Recently I decided to parallelize part of my set constraint solver
ifscs, which I plan to write more
about eventually. At one point, the constraint solver has a large set
to process where each element is really independent: a prefect
situation for simple coarse-grained parallelism. I had a good experience
using monad-par at another
place in my code, so I decided to try my luck again. After a bit of fooling
around, I came up with the following:
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Par.S…
I just put the code for this blog up
on github. This gives me another
backup and could serve as an example for how to use Hakyll. One more
example of Hakyll 3 never hurt anyone.
Recently I was getting error messages from GHC while building Haskell
programs that complain about unknown symbols referring to C++ standard
template library symbols. It turns out that these are weak symbols
(since only one definition is required) and telling ghc to pass the
extra (forbidden, deprecated, and evil) -fno-weak flag to gcc helps.
I guess I am in trouble when this flag is finally removed.
After changing this, the compiler complained that it could not find
libstdc++.so. A
ghc bug de…
My advisor presented me with an interesting problem the other day.
Calling some simple C++ free functions that took C++ objects by value
using Python's ctypes produced strange results. We eventually narrowed the test
case down to the following:
1#include <stdio.h>
3struct Simple {
4 int x,y,z;
7struct Fancy {
8 int x,y,z;
9 ~Fancy() {
10 printf("Destroying a Fancy\n");
11 }
14extern "C" {
15 void printSimple(Simple s) {
16 fprintf(stderr, &qu…
First, I finally went back and added support for clang in my
whole-program-llvm wrapper.
Usage is easy: just set LLVM_COMPILER=clang and it should Just Work.
In the process of implementing this clang support I ended up feeling
pretty bad about some of the old code. I ended up refactoring out
quite a bit and it is definitely cleaner now. I'm still not sold on
this whole "object-oriented programming" thing, but it worked
tolerably for a small chunk of Python code. The resulting object…
Like many people, I use Emacs to edit my Haskell code. The standard
haskell-mode works fine, but I always felt like I could use a bit more help
from my editor. I recently ran across
scion, which is something like
a Haskell IDE library that provides deep information about programs
to editors. It also happens to include Emacs integration.
A few notable features:
In-buffer error and warning highlighting
Expression typechecking
Completion of LANGUAGE pragmas
Go-to-definition of symbols
It does …
Sometimes it is useful to be able to analyze an entire program at
once, rather than analyzing individual compilation units. LLVM has
some infrastructure in this: the llvm-link program (and associated
library methods) combines multiple bitcode files into one as a linker
might. Unfortunately, getting all of the bitcode to pass to
llvm-link in the first place can be challenging in the face of
strange and arcane build systems (e.g., autotools, libtool, and other
impolite tools).
Official Aside
This is mostly just a note to myself. Every time I get to the point
in a project where I need to debug some Haskell code, I forget some of
the more useful methods. I always seem to remember the
printf-debugging method:
import Debug.Trace
debug = flip trace
f x = y `debug` (show y)
This one just prints out the String returned by show y when y is
evaluated. This is useful for some bugs, but rarely for the kind that
I seem to inflict upon myself.
The profiling infrastructure provides anothe…
Today I finally decided to stop hosting my own git repositories and
just move to GitHub. Hosting them on my
VPS was never particularly difficult or demanding, but I was never
happy with the web interface I had set up
(cgit). cgit itself is great
and easy enough to use. I had my web server just dispatch CGI
requests to it and everything was fine. The only problem was that I
didn't put enough effort into making it fit with the rest of my site
visually. I was also never quite sure about the st…
I recently had to do some simple parsing in Python. Aside: the Python
requirement isn't particularly principled (I am actually not a huge
fan), but I go where matplotlib
is. I don't think that I have seen a more useful plotting library or
program yet. Having the full power of a programming language
available to munge data into an appropriate form is a major
improvement over ad-hoc data manipulation or selection primitives in
tools like gnuplot. My only complaint at this point is that showing…
Why a blog?
Due to popular demand, I am trying to move some of my ranting and
raving to more static and less visible media. At least here they are
persistent beyond server logs. This seems fairly handy, though, and I
think that I'll probably record some useful information here (if I
ever happen to find any).
Didn't we hear this before?
It is true. In the not too distant past, I claimed that I would start
a blog. I spent some time agonizing over choosing a platform, as you
might expect. I ha…